In contrast to the overwhelming number of books, models, studies and definitions for leadership available for white males, the numbers drop significantly for people of color. Women fare a bit better but the emphasis tends to be on white women and often are extrapolated from unconscious culturally prescribed notions of womanhood or through the lens of such male-associated traits as toughness, presence, and power. Amazon currently lists only two books on leading as an African American Woman.

Leading Narratively approaches the work differently. This is especially helpful for people of color, women, or members of the LGBTQ community.

When you do not view yourself—or you are not viewed by others—as being part of the dominant culture, disclosing who you are presents specific challenges. Leading Narratively provides the step-by-step support these leaders need to navigate the challenges of examining the values and influences that have shaped them, re-authoring limiting stories, and disclosing more of themselves—and learning how to navigate the range of possible reactions they may meet when sharing their personal stories that are counter to the accepted narratives.